Three Rivers Muse & News

The Kaweah Commonwealth is the weekly newspaper of Three Rivers, Calif. The coverage area includes what is collectively known as "Kaweah Country," from the highest peaks in Sequoia National Park to the Sierra Nevada foothills to the floor of the San Joaquin Valley.

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Independence Day

Fourth of July will never have a greater meaning than this year. Having just returned from my first trip ever to our nation’s Capitol and actually having the privilege to personally participate in the democratic process, I understand more than ever how fortunate we are to live in the United States of America.

While in Washington, D.C., I was proud to be a companion to my son who was one of 150 children, ages four to 17, who were delegates on behalf of the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation. Among the dozens of activities in which the group participated, the most patriotic were performing a song on the lawn of the U.S. Capitol; being in attendance as the subjects of a congressional hearing chaired by senators Susan Collins (R-Maine) and Joe Lieberman(D-Conn.); and spending a day on Capitol Hill as the delegates met with their various senators and representative.

It was an unforgettable experience to sit back and watch as my 16-year-old son discussed his life with Type 1 diabetes in separate meetings with senators Dianne Feinstein and Barbara Boxer and Representative Devin Nunes and requested that the legislators co-sponsor a reappropriations bill that would increase funding for research toward a cure.

Following our D.C. blitz, we visited Gettysburg National Military Park and the Liberty Bell and Independence Hall in Philadelphia where it became graphically apparent the foresight the Founding Fathers possessed and how many have fought and sacrificed their lives so that we may enjoy the freedoms and liberties that we have today.

Let freedom ring! Happy Independence Day.


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